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1 Joanne  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 7:54:33pm

Please post a follow up if you read it.

2 EiMitch  Mon, Jun 25, 2012 7:54:37pm

That this happened in Texas didn't surprise me. It disgusting, but not surprising.

3 William Barnett-Lewis  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 6:08:20am

I had just heard about this and had come to page it. I'm glad to see others have noticed as well.

Texas - bringing the third world home daily...

4 ghazidor  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 12:15:40pm

Hmm...I think I'm going to wait a bit before I pronounce any type of judgement on this story. The main question being did they go out there on their own or were they marched out at gunpoint? I'm still unclear because of the complete lack of any reported evidence as to if this was actually a murder or some kind of suicide pact with a third party present to retrieve the gun(s) afterward?

Condemning the entire state of Texas for homophobic murder as the status quo seems just a tad presumptive at this point, not to mention ridiculously broad brushed no matter how this particular incident is eventually resolved.

5 EiMitch  Tue, Jun 26, 2012 3:22:48pm

re: #4 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

Who recovers guns from a suicide pact? Seriously. And to say nothing afterwards, even when its already made the news? Suspicious in and of itself. And even if the couple did go out there on their own, that doesn't mean suicide. They could've been there for any number of reasons, only to be ambushed.

Btw, I'm past giving Texas the benefit of the doubt on anything anymore. For argument's sake, lets assume it was a suicide pact. What pushed both of them to that point?

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